DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2015.19.2.13
How to Cite
Restrepo Cardona, J. S., Betancur López, A., & Cano Castaño, N. (2015). Abundance and new records of sympatric owls in Manizales and Villa María (Caldas, Colombia). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 19(2), 220–229.


Juan Sebastián Restrepo Cardona
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Alejandro Betancur López
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Nelson Cano Castaño
Universidad de Caldas


Studies on species abundance of Neotropical owls in urban and peri-urban environments are few. Between May and September 2013, the relative abundance of sympatric owls in four localities of Manizales (Caldas, Colombia) was estimated by counting spontaneous calls through pre-established trails and calculating the percentage of recordings of each species in different types of vegetation. Furthermore, new records for eight owl species were documented in 17 localities of Manizales and Villamaría. Four owl species were detected in the trails: , and Tyto alba. The species recorded from high to low relative abundance were: in the locality of La Esmeralda, A. stygius (0.37 ind./km), A. stygius, C. virgata, and T. alba (0.02), in El Recinto del Pensamiento, C. virgata (0.37), A. stygius, A. stygius, and T. alba (0.05), in El Bosque Popular El Prado, A. stygius (0.84), C. virgata, and T. alba (0.03), and in El Ecoparque Alcázares, C. virgata (0.74), and A. stygius (0.10). C. virgata was recorded in all types of vegetation, although the greatest number of records for this species was obtained in forests associated with open recreation areas. A. stygius was recorded in four types of vegetation, with the greatest number of sightings in open areas with mature trees. The low sensitivity of C. virgata and A. stygius to perturbations and their adaptability to occupy a wide number of environments could put them at an advantage to achieve the highest levels of abundance among the owls in Manizales. A. stygius and T. alba were recorded with greater frequency in pine tree plantations.

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