DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2015.19.1.16
How to Cite
Moreno M., G. P., & Acuña Vargas, J. C. (2015). Characterization of diurnal lepidoptera in two locations in santuario de flora y fauna Los Flamencos (San Lorenzo de Camarones, la Guajira). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 19(1), 221–234.


Georgina Paulina Moreno M.
Universidad de La Guajira
Julio César Acuña Vargas
Universidad de La Guajira


In order to enrich the knowledge of the biota of the department of La Guajira this study led to the knowledge of the composition of diurnal Lepidoptera present in two sectors of the protected area and managed by the System of National Parks of Colombia, "Santuario de Fauna y Flora Los Flamencos", La Guajira. Characterization of diurnal Lepidoptera went to adult individuals, using three techniques for monitoring (visual count on transect at random from different types of coverage, traps Van Someren-Rydon and free tours with the butterfly net). 1126 individuals of the order Lepidoptera, divided into 3 families are recorded, 9 subfamilies, 24 species. Knowledge of biological diversity associated with fragments of tropical dry forest in La Guajira is necessary for decision-making on the use and management of natural resources, and even more in a biological group as Lepidoptera, which can be used as an indicator of disturbance due to their physiological characteristics and habitat specificity.

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