DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2015.19.1.15
How to Cite
Mándor, W., & Salazar E., J. A. (2015). Presence of Gauromydas heros (Perty 1833) (DIPTERA: MYDIDAE) in Atta spp. nests (HYMENOPTERA: MYRMICINAE) in Caldas and Meta (Colombia). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 19(1), 215–220.


William Mándor
Fundación Horizonte Verde
Julián A. Salazar E.
Universidad de Caldas


The first records of the species Gauromydas heros (Perty) (Diptera: Mydidae) in the departments of Meta and Caldas (Colombia) are given for specimens found in the vicinity of ant nets of the genus Atta spp. G. heros is one of the larger flies known but in our country its distribution and adult behavior are poor documented.

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