DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2015.19.2.3
How to Cite
Lagos B., T. C., Bacca, T., Herrera P., D. M., & Delgado T., J. L. (2015). Reproductive biology and artificial pollination of the tamarillo (Cyphomandra betacea (Cav.) Sendt. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 19(2), 60–73.


Tulio César Lagos B.
Universidad de Nariño
Tito Bacca
Universidad del Tolima
Diana Milena Herrera P.
Universidad de Nariño
Jenny Laura Delgado T.
Universidad de Nariño


The purpose of this work was to study the reproductive biology, schedules and methods of artificial pollination in tamarillo Cyphomandra betacea, Manzano cultivar growing in a town in the department of Nariño (Colombia), located at 2,100 m.a.s.l. with a temperature of 13°C. One thousand (1,000) flower buds of 0.5 cm in length were marked. Every eight days and during 40 days when fertilization occurred, measurements in mm of the flower bud length and diameter of the corolla, equatorial diameter of the calyx, length and diameter of the ovary, length of the filament, length of the style, length and width of the anther, pollen viability and pistil receptivity, were made. The growth of the whorls was adjusted to the model y = Bd. The pollen starts ripening at 24 days, with 61.48% viability. The responsiveness of the pistil is given at 16 days, 13 days before anthesis. Similarly, pollination times with and without hormone were evaluated. Pollinations carried out from 8 AM to 4 PM, with and without hormone, did not show significant differences for hybridization efficiency (HE), number of seeds per fruit (SPF) and germination percentage (GP). The HE, ranged between 36 and 68%. The number of SPF ranged between 240 and 361 and GP presented a range of 56-66%. Between 2 and 4 PM and without hormone, the largest fruit weight (121.97 g) and higher germination rate (1.87) were obtained.

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