DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2015.19.1.2
How to Cite
Bocanegra González, K. T., Fernández Méndez, F., & Galvis Jiménez, J. D. (2015). Funtional groups of trees in secondary forests of the bajo Calima region (Buenaventura, Colombia). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 19(1), 17–40.


Kelly Tatiana Bocanegra González
Universidad del Tolima
Fernando Fernández Méndez
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Jeferson David Galvis Jiménez
Universidad del Tolima


The secondary rainforest is increasingly common in the Neotropics and its functional properties are unknown. The objectives of this paper were to characterize reproductive functional traits of tree species of the secondary forest, generate functional groups and compare differences between two levels of forest disturbance with its taxonomic diversity and richness in functional groups. Six plots of 0.1 ha were established, trees with ≥ 10 cm DAP were measured and seven functional reproductive traits were characterized. We found 93 morphospecies that generated six functional groups. Low floristic richness of group 1 in contrast to the floristic richness of the remaining 5 groups was highlighted. At the same time, group 1 showed the highest functional potential represented by conservative species and was characteristic of the least disturbed forest. On the other hand, on the site with permanent disturbance, the functional redundancy decreases in this group, which could generate to long- term local extinction. It was concluded that these forests are highly resilient despite the level of disturbance. Finally, the generated functional groups can be used to set up innovative measures in the management and restoration of degraded areas in the Chocó biogeographic region.

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