DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2016.20.1.9
How to Cite
Garcés Restrepo, M. F., Giraldo, A., López, C., & Ospina Reina, N. F. (2016). Bats present of Melendez campus at Universidad del Valle, Cali-Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 20(1), 116–125.


Mario F. Garcés Restrepo
Universidad del Valle
Alan Giraldo
Universidad del Valle
Carim López
Universidad del Valle
Nestor F. Ospina Reina
Fundación OIKOS


Between October 2006 and September 2007 bats were caught using mist nets in the Melendez Campus at Universidad delValle in order to describe the composition and assemblage structure of chiropterans. During 24 nights of sampling (8,640 mist nest-hours) nine species were recorded belonging to five families (Emballonuridae, Molossidae, Vespertilionidae, Noctilionidae, Phyllostomidae). Artibeus lituratus was the most abundant species accounting for 66% of all captures, followed by Phyllostomus discolor (13.6%) and Glossophaga soricina (7.8%). Frugivorous were the category with the largest number of species and the most abundant with 67.8% recorded catches. Results of this investigation confirm that the Melendez campus at Universidad del Valle constitutes an important reservoir for chiropteran diversity that live in the urban area due to its vegetative cover, permanent presence of water bodies and permanent offer of food.

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