DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2016.20.1.5
How to Cite
Castillo Gómez, C., Narváez Solarte, W., & Hahn von Hessberg, C. M. (2016). Agro-morphology and uses of Cajanus cajan L. Millsp. (FABACEAE). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 20(1), 52–62.


Claudia Castillo Gómez
Universidad de Caldas
William Narváez Solarte
Universidad de Caldas
Christine M. Hahn von Hessberg
Universidad de Caldas


Guandul (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) is an Indian native leguminous shrub rich in nutrients. It grows in the Colombian Atlantic Coast and is used as food for human beings. Guandul grows in semiarid environments due to its resistance to dryness and to its adaptability to poor soil thanks to its complex root system. It is a plant with a huge potential for animal feed because of its high protein content which can produce up to fifty tons of green fodder per hectare. Besides its use in feeding, it also has pharmacological actions by helping soil recovery and green fertilizer production. The aim of this documental research is to compile and analyze the existing information about this leguminous plant considering its morphoagronomic and bromatological benefits and its potential as raw material in animals' diet.

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