DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2016.20.1.3
How to Cite
Abud H., M., & Torres G., A. M. (2016). Floristic characterization of a high andean forest in the Purace national natural park, Cauca, Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 20(1), 27–39.


Melissa Abud H.
Universidad del Valle
Alba Marina Torres G.
Universidad del Valle


The highAndean forests are ecosystems that are the home to important samples of Colombian biodiversity. They constitute a habitat for numerous species and perform important functions, among them hydrological regulation. Nevertheless, human activities affect these important resource putting at risk their composition and function. Therefore, it is necessary to increase biological knowledge of the ecosystems and define measures for its conservation.

As a response to the above, the objective of this research was to describe the vegetation present in the highAndean forests ecosystem between an altitude of 3,200 and 3,400 meters, in the San Juan Forest, inside the National Natural Park of Puracé (PNN), Department of Cauca,Colombia. In order to achieve this goal, Gentry's forest transect methodology was used (DAP ≥ 2,5 in 0,1 ha). The forest studied consisted of 301 individuals classified into 13 families, 18 genera and 38 species. The species with the highest importance value index (IVI) belong to the Cunoniaceae, Chloranthaceae, Melastomataceae, Araceae, Piperaceae and Clusiaceae families, represented by: Weinmannia mariquitae (IVI: 0,96), Hedyosmum sp. (IVI: 0,56), Miconia sp.1 (IVI: 0,25), Anthurium sp. (IVI: 0,13), Piper sp. (IVI: 0,13) and Clusia multiflora (IVI: 0,13), respectively. The forest was characterized by the presence of an abundance of 3 and 5.9 meters high trees. Diversity was calculated in 0.18 using the Simpson Index, with a total of 6.19 m2basal area. It was concluded that San Juan forest possesses a composition and structure typical of high Andean forests described in the Colombian central mountain range. The characteristics of this forest (i.e., transition zone from highAndean forest to moorland –páramo-and its proximity to thermal springs), constitute an important reference point for the conservation of this ecosystem in the Department of Cauca.

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