DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2016.20.2.9
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Hahn von Hessberg, C. M., & Grajales Quintero, A. (2016). Evaluation of greenhouses in fish production. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 20(2), 124–137.


Christine M. Hahn von Hessberg
Universidad de Caldas
Alberto Grajales Quintero
Universidad de Caldas


Environmental variables (temperature, oxygen, pH) of the water of the ponds were evaluated at the 6, 14, and 22 hours. The production variables analyzed were weight gain (g/day/fish), consumption of balanced food (fish/day/g) and feed conversion. Fixed costs represented: pond maintenance and installation of polymer on the floor and cover. Variable costs were determined by the cost of the Oreochromis niloticus larva and 30% protein balanced feed, evaluated in four treatments: ground-floor ponds with plastic cover; plastic floor ponds and plastic cover; plastic floor ponds without cover; ground-floor ponds without plastic cover. The plastic used for the cover was Agroclear XF, and for the floor of the pond the Agroblack No. 15 polymer was used, utilizing a design in randomized complete blocks in time and three replicates per block. The results show that construction of greenhouses in guadua for ponds using Guadua angustifolia, is an economical choice for fish farmers; the plastic covers of the ponds allow adequate control of the temperature of the water in the ponds and controls 100% fish predation by piscivorous birds. It is concluded that ground-floor ponds and plastic cover were the more efficient presenting ease of use, increased production of plankton, better productive and economical yield, coinciding with a greater thermal stability, followed by the ground-floor ponds without plastic cover, making it a viable alternative to optimize fish production.

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