DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2017.21.2.4
How to Cite
Restrepo García, A. M., & Soto Giraldo, A. (2017). Alternative control of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (HEMIPTERA: LIVIIDAE) using lime sulphur. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 21(2), 51–60.


Ana María Restrepo García
Universidad de Caldas
Alberto Soto Giraldo
Universidad de Caldas


The lethal concentration (LC) is used to estimate the toxicity of pesticides in arthropods. However, LC is an incomplete measure of the effects of these products on populations, since it only examines mortality as a parameter of toxicity. It is known that individuals which survive exposure to pesticides may suffer sublethal effects. Therefore, the lethal and sublethal effects of lime sulfur spray on Diaphorina citri was studied in the laboratory. Lethal effects were estimated through tests of acute toxicity to obtain dosage-response curves and their respective lethal concentrations and sublethal effects by estimating the instantaneous population growth rate (ri). The lethal and sublethal concentrations of lime Sulphur for D. citri were 0.57 and 0.38% of the product respectively, indicating that it could be used to control this phytophagous.

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