DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2018.22.1.15
How to Cite
Rangel Acosta, J. L., Solano Torres, J. A., & Martínez Hernández, N. J. (2018). Temporal and vertical variation of dung beetles (SCARABAEIDAE: SCARABAEINAE) in two fragments of tropical dry forest in the department of Atlántico-Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 22(1), 179–198.


Jorge Luis Rangel Acosta
Universidad del Atlántico
Jorge Andrés Solano Torres
Universidad del Atlántico
Neis José Martínez Hernández
Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Objective: To analyze the vertical and temporal variation of the composition and structure of dung beetles in two fragments of tropical dry forest (TDF), Corrales de San Luis and Reserva Campesina La Montaña, in the Department of Atlántico. Scope: To detect spatial and temporal variations of dung beetle species and which ones are able to access higher strata in the forest. Methodology: four samplings were carried out by fragment, two in the dry season and two during the rainy season. Five sampling stations separated by 150 m were selected and in each one, three points, spaced 50 m apart, were marked. Three pitfall traps were installed by point, one at the ground level (low stratum), another between 3 to 5 m high (middle stratum), and the last at a height ≥ 12 m (high stratum). Main results: The highest richness values were recorded during the rainy season (16 species) and the lowest during the dry season (5-9 species). Only four Scarabaeinae species (Canthon aff. MorseiTrichillidium pilosumU. boneti y U. deavilai) were captured in the middle and high stratum in the Reserva Campesina La Montaña during the rainy season, with an abundance of less than four individuals by taxon. Conclusions: This research shows that few Scarabaeinae species are able to access the canopy in search of resources, which limits them to forage at ground levels where they can find greater quantity and variety of resources.

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