DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2018.22.1.7
How to Cite
Hahn von Hessberg, C. M., Grajales Quintero, A., & Grajales Hahn, S. (2018). A brief summary of production parameters for sustainable peasant fish farming in the andean region. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 22(1), 86–94.


Christine M. Hahn von Hessberg
Universidad de Caldas
Alberto Grajales Quintero
Universidad de Caldas
Sebastian Grajales Hahn
Universidad de Caldas


Objectives: Th e relevant factors in aquaculture production are the physical and chemical parameters of water, such as temperature and oxygen, among others, which directly influence the biochemical and physiological processes of plants and animals. Results: The imbalance of the dissolved oxygen, usually derives from an inadequate water body management, a deficient calculation of the fish biomass, excess of organic matter, and contamination, causing up to 60% of the losses in a crop. Conclusions: The aim is to briefly collect and emphasize on some basic concepts of water quality, alternatives in pond infrastructure, a suggested fish biomass, and the use of common forage plants of the Andean zone for sustainable peasant fish farming.

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