DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2018.22.1.4
How to Cite
Castañeda Serrano, R. D., Piñeros Varón, R., & Vélez Giraldo, A. (2018). Foliage of tropical arboreal species in feeding ovines (Ovis aries): intake, digestibility and balance nitrogen. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 22(1), 58–68.


Román David Castañeda Serrano
Universidad del Tolima
Roberto Piñeros Varón
Universidad del Tolima
Alejandra Vélez Giraldo
Universidad del Tolima


Objective: To determine the eff ects of supplementation with three tropical arboreal species (Guazuma ulmifolia, Gliricidia sepium y Tithonia diversifolia) on intake, in vivo and in vitro digestibility in hair sheep. Methodology: Th e experiment was carried out in “Las Brisas” farm of Universidad del Tolima, Colombia. Twelve hair sheep, with an average weight of 22.2±2.5 kg, received four treatments in a 4×4 Latin square design with three sheep per experimental unit were used. Th e treatments consisted of: T1 = 100% D. aristatum; T2 = 50% D. aristatum, 25% Guazuma ulmifolia and 25% rice bran; T3 = 50% D. aristatum, 25% Gliricidia sepium and 25% rice bran; and T4 = 50% D. aristatum, 25% Tithonia diversifolia, and 25% rice bran. To determine the intake and digestibility of nutrients, the method of total collection of feces was used. It was observed that the intake and digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, fraction of B3 of the protein and fi ber in neutral detergent, increased in relation to the control group in the diets containing tree foliage (p<0,0001). Main results: Th ere were no diff erences for the dry matter intake (p> 0.05) between the treatments containing tropical arboreal species G. ulmifolia (T2), G. sepium (T3) and T. diversifolia (T4). However, diff erences were observed between all treatments (p <0.05) for nutrients digestibility. Conclusion: Th e supplementation of hair sheep with foliage of tropical arboreal species is an interesting alternative to improve the intake and digestibility of diets which can contribute to
the improvement of the productive indicators.

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