DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2018.22.2.10
How to Cite
Pérez, D., Franco, A., & Paramo, J. (2018). Composition and distribution of deep water crustaceans captured with traps in the maritime area of the department of Magdalena, colombian caribbean. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 22(2), 132–143.


Daniel Pérez
Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano
Andrés Franco
Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano
Jorge Paramo
Universidad del Magdalena


Objective: To determine the composition and distribution of deep water crustaceans captured with traps in the Magdalena (MAG), Tayrona (TAY) and Palomino (PAL) ecoregions in the maritime area of the Department of Magdalena, Colombia. Scope: Basic information for the management of deep water crustacean species of potential commercial importance. Methodology: Four samplings were conducted between October and November 2016 in the three ecoregions (MAG, TAY and PAL), between 200 and 500 meters depth, aboard an artisanal fishing boat that uses experimental fish traps for the collection of the crustaceans. The
nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test was used to determine differences between the ecoregions and the main ecological rates (diversity, richness, dominance and equity) to determine the heterogeneity of the species. Main results: A total of 131 individuals were captured, belonging to 12 families and 20 species, of which six are of commercial interest in other countries. The most abundant species were Achelous spinicarpus, Plesionika longipes and Heterocarpus ensifer, and the larger ones were Eunephrops bairdii and shrimp A. foliacea. The Palomino and Tayrona ecoregions showed greater similarity in terms of species composition, as well as higher diversity values probably due to the higher productivity generated in these areas. The wide distribution and abundance of P. longipes reported here and in previous studies allow the species to be considered as a potential fishing resource for the Colombian Caribbean. Conclusions: This research provides valuable information on the composition and distribution of deep water crustaceans in the Colombian Caribbean which are susceptible to be exploited using artisanal fishing methods such as fish traps. However, more studies should be carried out on the biology and ecology of the potential fishing species which can generate the basis for sustainable management under an ecosystem approach.

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