DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2024.28.1.8
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Hernán Pérez, J., Rocha-Gil, Z. E., Pérez-Rubiano, C. C., Parrales-Ramírez, D. A., & Angulo-Flórez, D. H. (2024). Evolution of water quality in a water system in northern Boyacá using the BMWP/Col index. Boletín Científico Centro De Museos Museo De Historia Natural, 28(1), 139–151.


Johan Hernán Pérez
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
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Claudia Constanza Pérez-Rubiano
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia,
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Diego Hernando Angulo-Flórez
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
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This study characterizes the water conditions in different sectors of the Comeza River in the municipality of Socotá, located in the northern part of the Boyacá Department, in order to estimate the quality and analyze possible changes associated with the socioeconomic activities present in its ecosystem. Aquatic macroinvertebrates were collected, and the BMWP/Col index was used to identify the evolution of water quality during the dry period (March) and the wet period (October) in the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. A total of 27 groups of macroinvertebrate families were recorded across all study periods, with the highest abundance observed in Leptophlebiidae, followed by Perlidae and Baetidae. The BMWP/Col index indicates that, on average, the river has water of class II quality (Acceptable), meaning slightly contaminated water mainly in P2 and P3. Of particular concern was the analysis of field data during the post-pandemic period (2021), where it was noted that P2 is in a critical state regarding water quality; this area is adjacent to the urban perimeter. The development of this type of research in high mountain water systems will allow for measures to be taken for the sustainable management of watercourses, as well as the mitigation of pollution in them. The identification and elimination of possible point sources of contamination, the use of good agro-environmental practices, and the restoration of riverbanks along the Comeza River may be essential for improving the ecological status of this river system.

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