How to Cite
Ospina Navas, A. (2009). Towards a crisis of representation. Revista Colombiana De Artes Escénicas, 3, 125–132. Retrieved from


Arley Ospina Navas

Magíster en Escrituras Creativas Énfasis en Dramaturgia (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

Universidad el Bosque


The present document is the product of a research process, interpretation and presentation of the play Fando and Lis by Fernando Arrabal. The play is taken as the starting point in the search of problems specific to the theatrical act such as the nature of the representative character, the distinction between the literary text and the development of the dramatic action on stage, the helplessness and impossibility to act of the director in the representation, the actor and the negation of their individuality when submitted to the interpretation and characterization of characters, and the distinction between scenic reality and the false reality of the representation.

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