How to Cite
Ramírez Triana, C. (2009). An overlook from history’s point of view. Revista Colombiana De Artes Escénicas, 3, 114–124. Retrieved from


Camilo Ramírez Triana

Maestro en Dirección Teatral de la Escuela en Arte Dramático (ENAD).

Universidad Distrital


The overlook of theater that is currently being done in relation to History goes from general to specific, crossing a look centered on Europe and another oriented towards Latin America, and then concentrating on Colombia. After showing the drama and History crisis in the 20th century, the article presents the need to interpret the historical happening and the country’s condition, as a possibility of existence in the current social and political circumstances. It also proposes the need to construct an image of society projected towards the future, as a role of contemporary theater. The article also assumes that there is not just one history but diverse histories that can support theater in regards to revising the image that society has of itself in the search for a future.

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