How to Cite
Ariza Gómez, D. (2009). Verona, beyond romeo and juliet. Revista Colombiana De Artes Escénicas, 3, 70–79. Retrieved from


Daniel Ariza Gómez

Maestro en Arte Dramático, Universidad Distrital. Psicólogo Universidad de la Sabana. Actualmente
adelanta estudios de Maestria en Estetica y Creacion en la Universidad Teconologica de Pereira.
Es profesor Asistente de la Universidad de Caldas.

Universidad de Caldas


The present article presents a hermeneutic exercise on the William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet (1595). As a theoretical reflection, the article will contribute to the corpus of the creative process of the Verona performance, which is being prepared by students of the Drama Arts Department at the Universidad de Caldas. In order to achieve this important objective it’s important to acknowledge that, as expressed by Gadamer, “the play presents an untemporal present” (2001: 55), which makes possible the reading of the play itself in the present time (Ibíd.); in other words, in the here and now of the reader, or in this case, of the receptorcreator, role corresponding to the theatrical director. The article includes the conversation between some parts of the play and the author’s understanding.

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