How to Cite
Kudu, K. (2009). Student theater as rebellion. Revista Colombiana De Artes Escénicas, 3, 39–44. Retrieved from


Kalev Kudu

Maestro en Estudios Teatrales. Magíster en Dirección Escénica. Trabaja en su país con grupos de teatro juveniles y universitarios.


Live or lived theater means actors with inner spirit, live ideas and enthusiasm. Live theater does not need an Italian type of scenery or an expensive decoration—good theater can be done in an apartment, in a forest, in a garage or a hangar or on the street or in the market. The existing space would act as decoration. Student Theater must take risks, choose young unknown playwrights, experience with new forms. They should not be afraid of darkness and pessimism. In live theater everything is possible, “anything can be done”.

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