More than 40 years ago Hans Thies Lehmann proposed in his book “Post dramatic Theater” some theories about post-dramatic theater which can be used as theses during a logical and understandable conceptual perspective. Our author questions himself about the limits of contemporary theater which is day by day searching for new languages due to the existence of a sensible gap between potential audience members and the type of theater work performed. This brings as a consequence the transformation of the time unity, action and space traditional lines of development, moving away from the naturalist, epic and conventional theater.
Lajos Egri, Lajos. (2009). El arte de la escritura dramática. México:, Centro Universitario de estudios Cinematográficoss, México, 2009.
Goméz, Lola. (2007). Poéticas de la globalización en el teatro latinoamericano. California: Ediciones de Gestos.
Marina Lamus, Marina. (2010). “Teatro colombianao, Reflexiones teóricas para su historia”. En:, Separata Revista ATeatro., Medellín, 2010.
Lehmnann, Hans Theis. (1999). Post-Dramsko Gledalisce. Alemania: Editorial Maska. Lola Proaño.Goméz, Poéticas de la globalización en el teatro latinoamericano. Ediciones de Gestos, California, 2007.Pavis,
Patrice. (1990). Diccionario del teatro. Barcelona: Editorial Paidos.
Rizk, J. Beatriz. (2007). Posmodernismo y teatro en America Latina. Minnesota: The state of Iberoamerican Studies Series.