How to Cite
Vázquez Lomelí, C. M. (2010). Critique and creation: strange couple and indispensable relationship. Revista Colombiana De Artes Escénicas, 4, 29–39. Retrieved from


Carlos Manuel Vázquez Lomelí

Licenciado en Dirección Escénica por el Instituto Estatal de Teatro y Artes Plásticas de Bielorrusia, Minsk, ex-URSS. Magíster en Pedagogía Teatral por el Instituto Estatal de Teatro, Música y Cinematografía de San Petersburgo (antes Leningrado), Rusia, ex-URSS.

Instituto Estatal de Teatro y Artes Plásticas de Bielorrusia, Minsk


The article reflects on the perception critics have in Mexico about theater critique. The vision is also argued from the experience of stage direction. Similarly the article is intended to set critique in a double aspect: the first one, already implicit as a social function, and the second one explicit like a theoretical-methodological epistemic mechanism as a conscience reflection of the theater director. All this to organically connect the theater review activity promoting the director’s professional view, thus suggesting the possible critic-director relationship in order to strengthen creatively and communicatively the scenic Mexican (and Latin American) phenomena in the pursuit of a shared social and human development.

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