How to Cite
Chevallier, J.-F., & Mével, M. (2010). Strong text / Weak text. Revista Colombiana De Artes Escénicas, 4, 16–28. Retrieved from


Jean-Frédéric Chevallier

Director de escena y filósofo. Estudió filosofía, sociología y teatro al nivel maestría. Es Doctor
en estudios teatrales por la Universidad de la Sorbonne Nouvelle donde impartió clases.
Matthieu Mével

Escritor (teatro, poesía) y director de escena.


Which is the aesthetic function of the theater text nowadays? Which effects do the words said by the actors produce in the audience? Maybe, and with the simple purpose of having a panoramic view of the contemporary situation, it will be possible to distinguish two opposites: on one side, the text includes holes and gaps which favor the audience involvement, allowing him/her to go into the words; on the other side, the text seems to be a concentration of energies and it can provoke a sensory agitation. In the first case we talk about weak text and in the second case we talk about strong text.

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