The text of the paper presented by the author during a Research Meeting in Drama Creation coordinated by Colectivo Teatro Inverso from the research group Theater, Culture and Society from the Scenic Arts Department at Universidad de Caldas, during the process of creation of the play De-sastres y costuras. Delirios y crisantemos. The paper deals with a very particular reading of the disaster produced by the Armero landslide in 1985, a phenomenon that destroyed the town and took the life of over 25.000 people. This reading is based on the fundamentals synthesized by Aristotle in his Poetics where he defines the Greek tragedy; it also searches for some analogies with natural disasters as the ones that happened in the classic Greece, specifically the one that ended with the minoan civilization, and some aspects proper of of the mystery from Eleusis, until the magical practices and witchery that subsist in north Tolima culture.
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