How to Cite
Lozano Silva, A. A. . (2016). The character as a psychological essence. Revista Colombiana De Artes Escénicas, 10, 185–193. Retrieved from


Andrea Argel Lozano Silva

Magíster en Artes Visuales. Estudiante del programa de Doctorado en Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Ciudad de México, México.

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana


The general objective of this article is to expose a perspective of the character that we named “psychological essence”, in contrast with the predominant discourse of the actant paradigm (based on the studies of narratology, mainly Russian formalism and French structuralism), getting support for that purpose, on the analysis of the doctrines of authors such as Seymour Chatman, Francesco Casetti and Federico Di Chio. This theory is established as a valuable resource for its analysis and creation.

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Casetti, F. & Di Chio, F. (1996). Como analizar un film. Barcelona, España: Paidós.

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