How to Cite
Sánchez Quintero, C. A. . (2016). The new art and the old art of making theater : a reflection around the theatrical fact . Revista Colombiana De Artes Escénicas, 10, 167–183. Retrieved from


Carlos Alberto Sánchez Quintero

Maestro en Arte Dramático. Profesor de Artes Escénicas del Proyecto Curricular LEA, Facultad de Ciencias y Educación, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Bogotá, Colombia.

Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas


The objective of this paper is to present an analytical systematization of the conceptualizations around the stage performances presented in the XII version of the International University Theater Festival (2015), organized by the Department of Performing Arts of Universidad de Caldas, for which a categorization of the pieces submitted to consideration and scrutiny of the external reader - viewer, with a view to future deepening of each of the categories listed, is proposed. 

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