How to Cite
Ciódaro, M. (2016). Living images : performatic and posdramatic routes for pedagogical and artistic processes in the contemporary scene. Revista Colombiana De Artes Escénicas, 10, 93–106. Retrieved from


Maribell Ciódaro

Estudiante de Doctorado en Artes. Docente del departamento de Artes escénicas, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín,Colombia.

college from Antioquia. Medellin, Colombia.


The contemporary scene experiences processes of des and trans-construction where the theatrical work limits its resources of creation and formation, which are extended due to the connection with other languages that contribute and expand the exploration and study of the theatrical event. Transformation that has an impact on the configuration of scenic images from which the vital, collective and individual questions of the creators proposed from biographical, experimental and transdisciplinary routes are unveiled. The approach of this view and the pedagogical and artistic possibilities is the objective of the present reflection, which includes the analysis of the scene and its postdramatic and performative drifts, as well as the approach to academic research-creation processes from which Specific stages and procedures developed in the “Sensitive Body Laboratory” are exposed, practical-theoretical space resulting from the project “Practices of re-existence: pedagogical study of performance” (CODI), University of Antioquia, Faculty of Arts.

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