How to Cite
Vázquez, C. . (2017). Evis-1 : research-creation project. Uncertainty and exploration dimensions for research-creation in the interdisciplinarity of the scenic, visual, image and sound. Revista Colombiana De Artes Escénicas, 11, 209–226. Retrieved from


Carlos Vázquez

Doctor en Educación, Universidad de Guadalajara. Docente y jefe del Departamento de Artes Escénicas, Universidad de Guadalajara. Guadalajara, México.

Universidad de Guadalajara


The article exposes the EVIS-1 process, a collaborative and interdepartmental linkage project of the Arts and Humanities Division of the University Center of Art, Architecture and Design, University of Guadalajara (Mexico). EVIS-1 (Scenic, Visual, Image and Sound - 1) is the first creation and research project representing three Departments. Seeks the active –interdisciplinary– participation of the university community: students, researchers and teachers. The project explores the way of relationship, communication and knowledge generation in the tension generated by the interaction of the disciplines in the arts in that university community. EVIS-1, as exploratory research-creation, delivers new reflections on the processes of formation and creation and, at the same time, shows how the imaginaries and social representations that contemporary aesthetics brings from the expanded field of Arts.

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