How to Cite
Castaño Ramírez, E. ., & Bernal Vera, M. E. . (2013). Chronography on the importance of comparative anatomy in life sciences (MVZ). Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 7(1), 21–36. Retrieved from


Elmer Castaño Ramírez
María Elena Bernal Vera


ABSTRACT: This is a representative sample of the ideas that support the “comparative anatomy”, an integral part of the curriculum thematic in Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, which also supports reflections of evolutionary biology. Theories of variations of living species have their origins in the foundation of Western knowledge, and the explanations about their evolution are found in different authors from different times. This is why this document passes through their most renowed writings and evolutionary concepts. Starting by setting out the proposals of the Greek who made contributions in this field, passing through characters who have made explanatory statements, to get to a link with Charles Darwin. For clarity it takes three stages: natural history, the step from natural history to evolutionary theory, and evolutionary biology. This Historic work helps to motivate the study of the origins of veterinary sciences.

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