How to Cite
Fernanda Franco, L. ., & Silva Molano, R. F. . (2009). Frequency of submission of clinic surgical cases in the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Caldas (2002-2004). Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 3(2), 51–55. Retrieved from


Luisa Fernanda Franco
Raúl Fernando Silva Molano


ABSTRACT: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out in the Clinical surgery area of the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Caldas, whose main objective was to identify the frequency of all the surgical cases. 1585 clinical records between 2002 and 2004 were analyzed, the data were classified according to the following variables: origin, species, sex, age, breeds, diagnose and procedure. The most frequent origin was urban region (98.2%); the species that had the highest number of patients was the canine (86.37%); the distribution by sex corresponded to 50.9% males and 49.1% females; according to the created age groups the most frequency was fond between 18 to 60 months of age (39.3%). The most affected system was the skin (29.6%), with the tumor as the most frequent diagnosis (27%); the second reported system was the muscularskeletal (20.2%), and the most common disease was hip dysplasia (14.2%). 49.3% of the patients received surgical treatment and 46.2% medical treatment. Among the patients that received surgical treatment, the most operated area was the skin (25.8%), and the procedure that was practiced the most was surgical removal of tumors (39.2%); while the second system was the reproductive (20.6%) and the most frequent procedures was castration in males and females (85.2%). 

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