DOI: 10.17151/vect.2017.12.5
How to Cite
Murillo Arango, J. F. . (2017). Interactive laboratories for the practical teaching of international standards in telecommunications infrastructure. v1.1. Revista Vector, 12, 40–50.


José Fernando Murillo Arango
Universidad de Caldas


This article will analyze some important points of the international standards for physical telecommunications infrastructure issued by some organizations of this industry such as ANSI, TIA, EIA, ISO and IEEE. The purpose is to bring the reader closer to the understanding of the minimum installation conditions to ensure excellent functioning in wired and wireless networks. Having a clear understanding of the rules, a series of real aids will be designed and constructed which integrated will allow the creation of a laboratory in which practical design, installation and certification of physical telecommunications infrastructure can be developed with conditions very similar to the conditions that can be found in real life. The methodology used corresponds to experimental research of a quantitative nature with an analytical and descriptive approach. The expected result is the practical application through scenarios that allow solving problems that contribute to significant learning and to the achievement of the competences in the technical areas of the apprentices in the field of telecommunications.

The methodology used corresponds to an experimental investigation of a quantitative nature with an analytical and descriptive approach. The expected result is practical application through scenarios that allow the solution of problems that contribute to meaningful learning and the achievement of competences in the technical areas of apprentices in the field of telecommunications.

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