This article presents the identification of dynamic parameters to model a hydraulic system and the design of its digital controller using neural networks. The existing mathematical model was analyzed in the study, and the identification through an electronic signal acquisition system was carried out using the MATLAB and LabVIEW programs.
The methodology used in the project corresponds to an experimental research and is put in the frame of an empirical analytical approach of descriptive character and transversal nature, developed in four stages: analysis, planning, execution and evaluation.The result obtained is the identification of the hydraulic system and the development of its digital controller based on neural networks. It was possible to develop the position control for a hydraulic cylinder using as a control element a 4/3-way servo valve reference 158351, a linear potentiometer position sensor, a data acquisition card connected to a computer using an algorithm implemented in LabVIEW, which is responsible for receiving and sending the signals to the system by means of a control program.
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