DOI: 10.17151/vect.2017.12.1
How to Cite
Báez Velasco, E. V. ., Timarán Gómez, . J. S. ., & López Perafán, J. G. (2017). Chromatic dispersion compensation using the negative pre-chirping technique through single and dual drive Mach-Zehnder modulators. Revista Vector, 12, 5–14.


Eddy Valentín Báez Velasco

Ingeniero Electrónico y de Telecomunicaciones.

Universidad del Cauca
Juan Sebastián Timarán Gómez

Ingeniero Electrónico y de Telecomunicaciones.

Universidad del Cauca
José Giovanny López Perafán

PhD Ciencias de la Electrónica.

Universidad del Cauca


In this paper, the use of Single and Dual Drive Mach-Zehnder external modulators as Chromatic Dispersion compensators in a 10 Gbps optical network at a simulation level in RSoft's Optsim™ tool, by negative pre-chirping technique is studied. To verify the validity of the study, a behavior analysis of the Bit Error Rate, the eye diagram and the duration of the optical pulses in a comparative way was carried out. The obtained results presented improvement in the system through the chirp management of the modulators. Key words: Chromatic dispersion, Mach-Zehnder modulator, negative pre-chirping, chirp, Optsim.

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