DOI: 10.17151/rlef.2018.10.2.9
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Arias Palomeque, M. (2018). Intersectional analysis of the social construction of motherhood: life stories of women in cuenca. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 10(2), 148–168.



Objective. Motherhood, as a social construction, reflects different points of view and conflicts of a community. This research seeks to understand how different types of motherhood are constructed in Cuenca-Ecuador, when they are considered associated with ethnicity and social class, as well as gender. Methodology. For this purpose, an intersectional epistemological approach has been established that uses life stories as a technique. Results and conclusions. Motherhood continues to be an aspiration for middle- class women in Cuenca, as it is still understood as an important dimension of femininity and, in addition, there is a hegemonic type of motherhood with well-defined economic, age, religious and cultural elements. It was also confirmed that sexism is an undeniable reality in the interactions of people from Cuenca and it determines, to a large extent, how women assume their motherhood. In general, this study demonstrates the need to conform friendlier social structures to the exercise of motherhood.

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