How to Cite
Rivera González, M. . (2010). Identification of potentially cyanotoxin-producing cyanobacteria in the salguero del Río cesar curve. Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (31), 17–25. Retrieved from


Massiel Rivera González
Universidad Popular del Cesar



A 6 month sampling plan was carried out in the Cesar River, which is used as the receiver of treated waste water from the stabilized ponds in Salguero Station. During this time cyanobacteria, potential producer of cyanotoxins, were identified, and also their abundance and variation in the distribution through the sampled area were estimated; fluctuations of physical and chemical characteristics of the area in study were evaluated. Three sample stations were established: upstream, the waste water flowing zone, and downstream. Standardized methods for the identification and recount of phycological material and to measure the physicalchemical parameters were used. The greater abundance of some cyanobacteria was closely related to the areas of the river where there is greater organic contamination. Cyanobacteria producers of toxins which were more predominant were Phormidium sp., Oscillatoria sp. and Pseudanabaena sp. The physicalchemical results indicate that the quality of the water in Cesar river is altered in the areas where the river receives the flow of waste warter and all along its steam.

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