There have been many crimes carried out on the occasion and in development of the Colombian armed conflict by State agents, in this century they specialized in the commission especially of homicides in protected person in which the culprits were members of the Colombian army. This article determines the punishable behaviors that are designated in this country as State crimes and how they should be treated criminally when they are carried out by low-ranking soldiers or middle managers who colluded with civilians and other state agents to try to leave them in impunity. particularly forced disappearances of people and thousands of homicides. These crimes materialize in the midst of a State that, instead of safeguarding rights, limits them, curtails them, and consequently the possibilities of doing justice are remote, which reveals a state terror in which different governments have conceived at least for omission as part of its security policy a multiplicity of crimes against defenseless youths who did not belong to any guerrilla group, belonging to popular strata who were portrayed by the Colombian public force through the media as guerrillas killed in combat. This writing concludes that when examining these behaviors, it is found that they were not isolated events, that the crimes present a generality and systematicity and other particularities that, being a type of structural violence, can be classified as crimes against humanity. What, combined with what was indicated by the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, which has found that there are 6,402 deaths presented as casualties unlawfully presented in combat in which the perpetrators or participants are members of the Colombian army, leads to the deduction that they should be classified as crimes. persecuted internally and internationally.
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