How to Cite
Naranjo Salazar, L. I., Sánchez Jaramillo, A. F., & Valderruten Ospina, C. (2007). Action margins dogmatic and the constitutionalization process of the colombian civil code. Jurídicas, 4(2), 127–143. Retrieved from


Laura Isabel Naranjo Salazar
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Andrés Felipe Sánchez Jaramillo
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Carolina Valderruten Ospina
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The Action Margins Dogmatic is part of the Legal Dogmatic and more presentably of the Legal Argumentation Theory, which has been used by the Constitutional Court on the constitutional analysis of the civil code sentences, as a mechanism to analyze the congressional labor originating from the democratic power given to them. In this essay, we will present how the Constitutional Court, during its three first Courts, has used this dogmatic, in a tacit way as an explicit one, which allows to deduce their importance in the present of the Constitutional States.

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Corte Constitucional. Sentencia C-174 de 1996. M.P. Jorge Arango Mejía.

Corte Constitucional. Sentencia C-112 de 2000. M.P. Alejandro Martínez Caballero.

Corte Constitucional. Sentencia C-093 de 2001. M.P. Alejandro Martínez Caballero.

Corte Constitucional. Sentencia C-673 de 2001. M.P. Manuel José Cepeda.

Corte Constitucional. Sentencia C-507 de 2004. M.P. Manuel José Cepeda.

Corte Constitucional. Sentencia C-534 de 2005. M.P. Humberto Antonio Sierra.


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