DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2016.13.2.6
How to Cite
Sánchez-Torres, C. A. . (2016). Constitutionalization of colombian electoral law: a view from posmodernism. Jurídicas, 13(2), 71–84.


Carlos Ariel Sánchez-Torres
Universidad Sergio Arboleda


Legal forms and contents have been affected by two phenomena. These are Postmodernism and Law´s Constitutionalization. Emerged at the same time, both also influence in the creation of State´s and Parastate´s laws. Therefore, this article aims to explore their influence in the creation of Colombian electoral law as it is today. On this regard, first I will explore the notion of Postmodernity —as criticism of Modernity — base on Vattimo and Lyotard. Then I will address Law´s Constitutionalization as a phenomenon. Then, it would be explained the Constitutionalization of Colombian Electoral Law, especially since the 1991 Constitution, remarking its postmodern elements.

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