DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2020.17.2.16
How to Cite
Orjuela Artunduaga, H. M. ., & Ramírez Ospina, D. E. . (2020). Notes on the notion of poverty from sustainable development. Jurídicas, 17(2), 303–320.


Hanna Marietta Orjuela Artunduaga
Universidad del Tolima
Perfil Google Scholar
Duván Emilio Ramírez Ospina
Universidad de Manizales
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Based on the idea that eradicating poverty is a transversal desire in the Sustainable Development Goals, the purpose of this study is to contribute to the instrumentalization of sustainable development, identifying trends in the way the scientific community has thought about the articulation between the concepts of poverty and sustainable development, an interpretation that, in turn, makes it possible to standardize the criteria to explain poverty in the framework of sustainable development, and to make inferences about possible lines of research around this articulation. All results are obtained with a scientometrics or systematic review of scientific literature that follows successive phases of planning, search-selection, analysis and prospective. From the systematic literature review it is evident that poverty, in conjunction with sustainable development, constitutes a topic of high interest for the scientific community which has been developed through five trends or lines of research: sustainable productive activities, proposals for poverty indicators, design of methodologies and models, interpretation and analysis of the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals, and other issues related to elements of the three dimensions of sustainable development. The results observed in this article can be used in future research as a starting point to conceive and rethink poverty from the notion of sustainable development.

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