DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2023.27.1.5
How to Cite
Soto Giraldo, A. (2023). Olfactory response of Trigonospila unicaldasi (Díptera: Tachinidae) to volatiles from citrus plants attacked by Compsus viridivittatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and sprayed with calcium polysulfide. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 27(1), 85–93.


Alberto Soto Giraldo
Universidad de Caldas


Objetives: To evaluate the effect of calcium polysulfide on the olfactory response of Trigonospila unicaldasi to odors from citrus plants not attacked and attacked by Compsus viridivittatus. Scope: Calcium polysulfide in sublethal doses does not affect the olfactory response of T. unicaldasi. Methodology: The sublethal effects of calcium polysulfide on the ability of T. unicaldasi to detect volatiles from citrus plants infested with C. viridivittatus were evaluated through olfactometric experiments. Main results: he parasitoid T. unicaldasi can differentiate between odors of unattacked citrus plants and citrus plants attacked by C. viridivittatus and sprayed with calcium polysulfide. Conclusions: Calcium polysulfide at a concentration of 1.75% did not interfere with the olfactory response of T. unicaldasi fed on sprayed prey.

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