How to Cite
Agudelo Rondón, A. A., Chica Echeverri, L. M., & Morales, J. E. (2002). Observations on exemplary emerged of an Ootheca de antemninae Terra, 1995. A new records for Colombia. (Mantodea: Vatidae: Antemninae). Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 6, 95–102. Retrieved from


Antonio Arnovis Agudelo Rondón
Lina Marcela Chica Echeverri
Jorge Enrique Morales
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas


This paper give the presence of the Subfamily Antemninae for the first time in Colombia, thanks to a fertile ootheca, collected in the Natural National park El Tuparro in the month of January of 2001 and emerged April (5-6) of the same year, in Bogotá D. C., is commented on the strangers exemplary and on its ootheca that apparently belong to a new genus.

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