How to Cite
Gutiérrez, Y., & Bacca, T. (2014). Phasmatodea (insecta) of the Ñambí natural river reservation, Nariño, Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 18(1), 210–221. Retrieved from


Yeisson Gutiérrez
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Tito Bacca
Universidad de Nariño


This paper presents a preliminary list of Phasmatodea of Ñambí River Nature Reserve, as a result of a six days sampling using sweep net and manual collection. Fourteen species were found, of which six were identified at generic level; AcanthocloniaAtratomorphaGlobocraniaIgnaciaParobrimusPhanocles and eight at specific level; Olcyphides obscurellusHolca annulipesIsagoras proximusLaciniobethra aff. conradi, Libethra nisseriMetriophasma (AcanthometriotesmyrsilusParaceroys  quadrispinosusPhanocloidea schulthessi.  Three of these species are reported in Colombia for the first time: O. obscurellus, I. proximus and P. schulthessi. All genera and species reported are distributed only in South America, except for Phanocles with distribution in Central America as well, and some taxa are registered in the department of Nariño for the first time. This work shows that like for other organisms studied in biogeographical Chocó, the diversity of Phasmatodea is high and for this reason more studies should be encouraged about the faunal composition of this group in this region and in Colombia.

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