How to Cite
Ursola Gutiérrez, D. (2012). Boaventura de Sousa Santos and the intercultural reconstruction of human rights. Jurídicas, 9(2), 175–188. Retrieved from


Daniela Ursola Gutiérrez
Universidad de Cartagena


This article intends to develop an introduction to the Portuguese sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos’ thought concerning Law and his proposal about human rights as interculturality. The concepts which acquire a fundamental role in what the author calls the reconstruction of the concept of human rights will be studied in order to cover this topic, which requires the analysis of Law and globalization notions, and the reformulation Sousa makes of them in his work. This study focuses on the perspective of human rights as anti-hegemonic speech, contrary to the liberal speech that has been adopted since their creation, in order to build a critical and emancipatory concept of Law in the context of globalization.

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