DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2017.14.1.3
How to Cite
Restrepo-Medina, M. A. . (2017). Protection against administrative acts: concrete expression of the constitutionalization of colombian administrative law. Jurídicas, 14(1), 24–39.


Manuel Alberto Restrepo-Medina
Universidad del Rosario


The article shows, from a specific facet, concrete evidence of the constitutionalisation of Colombian administrative law. To this end, it systematically outlines the jurisprudence of the Colombian Constitutional Court on the origin of the guardianship as a mechanism for the protection of fundamental rights against their violation by the issuance of administrative acts. The analysis carried out led to the identification of two categories of decisions: (i) the dismissal of guardianship as a general rule and (ii) exceptional origin in three types of cases: the causation of irremediable damage and its granting as a transitional mechanism of protection of the right, the cause of irremediable damage and its granting as a definitive mechanism of protection of the right and the granting of guardianship due to the inefficiency of the ordinary means of control.

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