
Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


The authors wishing to submit articles for consideration by the editorial board of our publication shall:

1. The article must meet one of the categories proposed by Publindex for scientific papers (for further information see ethical policies of the journal). The type of article must be indicated in the subject section of the e-mail.

2. The article must be submitted in Word format. Similarly it should include: title, author or authors and contact address (email and postal address). It is essential to indicate which author will be responsible for receiving and sending correspondence or otherwise it will be assumed that the first author will take over that function. The text must be space and a half typed and, 12-point Arial font. Core data of the author or authors should be specified inside the article which must include: professional education, institutional affiliation, city, state or province, country and email (institutional), and ORCID (http://orcid.org/).

3. The Article reference must be accompanied by the curriculum vitae of each of the authors (see format) and the copyright release form signed by all authors (see format).

4. The article must be 25 sheets maximum (letter size sheets or quartos), which must be preceded by a brief abstract (objectives, methodology, results and conclusions) of the work in Spanish and English, not exceeding 150 words. Immediately after this abstract four to six key words must be included to identify the main issues under

5. Write the reviews and book reviews with a maximum of 10 sheets (letter size sheets or quartos) which must be preceded by the names, surnames and profession of the person making the review or book review, as well as complete bibliographical data (author’s name and surname, full title of the book, edition number, place of
publication, publisher, year of publication).

6. Provide unpublished articles. If it is a translated article the sources and origin of the original text as well as the respective permits for publication should be indicated clearly.

7. Send graphs, maps and photographs to a 266 dpi resolution in jpg or gif format. Next to the tables, the article annexes must be attached indicating the place where they will be inserted in the text. All these resources should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and indicate clearly the corresponding source(s).

Only horizontal lines should be used in the tables according to APA format sixth edition.

8. Cite bibliographical sources, less than 40 words within the text as follows: (author, year, and page). Example: (Muñoz, 1996, p. 30). Citations having more than 40 words are written aside from the text, indented, unquoted and without using italics. At the end of the citation the period must be placed before the data ―remember that for citations less than 40 words the period goes after―.

9. Footnotes, numbered sequentially, will be used only for clarification, comments, discussions and references by the author and should go in the corresponding page in order to facilitate the reader following of the text.

10. References are made based on APA norms, Sixth Edition. Remember that all must have hanging indentation. So:


Last name, Author’s name initials. (Year). Title of the book. Publication place: Publishing house.

Alexy, R. (2007). Teoría de los derechos fundamentales. Madrid, España: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales.

Book with an Editor:

Last Name, Author’s name initials (Ed). (Year). Title. City, country: Publishing house.

Ramos Pascua, J.A. y Rodilla González, M.Á. (Eds.). (2006). El positivismo jurídico a examen. Salamanca, España: Universidad de Salamanca.

Book Chapter:

Last name, Author’s name initials. (Year). Chapter Title. Initials of the editor or Publisher name. Last name. (Ed) or (Comp), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). Place of Publication: Publishing house.

Ávila, R. (2011). El derecho de la naturaleza: fundamentos. En A. Acosta y E. Martínez (Comp.). La naturaleza con derechos. De la filosofía a la política (pp. 173-238). Quito, Ecuador: Abya Yala.

Journal article:

Last name, Author’s name initials. (Year). Article Title. Name of Journal, volume(number), pp-pp.

Noguera, P. y Valencia, J. (2008). Ambientalizar el derecho en el contexto de un pensamiento logocéntrico. Revista Jurídicas, 2(5), 27-44.

Article with DOI:

Last name, Author’s name initials. (Year). Title of Article. Name of Journal, volume(number), pp-pp. doi: xx.xxxxxxx.

Turner, B.S. (1990). Outline of a Theory of Citizenship. Sociology, 2(24), 189-217. doi: 10.1177/0038038590024002002.

Newspaper Article:

Last name, Author’s name initials (Date). Title of Article. Name of Newspaper pp-pp.

Salgar, A. (28 de marzo de 2014). El desacato a la CIDH es muy preocupante. El Espectador, 2-2.

Graduate or Undergraduate Thesis:

Last name, Author’s name initials (Year). Title of Thesis (Undergraduate, Master’s or Doctoral Thesis). Name of Institution, place.

Álamos, F. (1992). Maltrato infantil en la familia: tratamiento y prevención (tesis de pregrado). Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.


Last name, Author’s name initials (Year). Title of Article. Taken from (URL).

Ministerio del Interior y de Justicia. (2004). Informe sobre el proceso de consulta previa al pueblo indígena Uwa para el proyecto exploratorio Sirirí y Catleya. Recuperado de http://www.observatorioetnicocecoin.org.co/files/Informfinal.pdf.


Constitutional Court. Sentence T-693 of 2011. Judge Speaker: Jorge Ignacio Pretelt.

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