
Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines



The journal contains the following sections:


Editorial: point of view of the Editorial Committee, the publisher or invited authors.


Scientific and technological research article: document that explicitly presents the original results of finished research projects1; it must include: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions acknowledgements, and references.


Article of revision: document resulting from a finished research in which the results of published or unpublished scientific or technological research are analyzed, systematized and integrated, with the purpose of shedding light on the advances and development tendencies. It is characterized by the presentation of a careful bibliographical revision of at least 50 references.2


All submitted articles must indicate: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments and bibliographical references.




Each of the articles received is subjected to a review and selection process. It begins with the verification of compliance with the indications for authors contained on the website, and displayed in the authors' checklist


The study and the initial selection of writings are the responsibility of the Editorial Committee, which accepts or rejects the original texts based on the scientific quality, the agreement with the topics suitable for the Journal, and the relevance in time of the results presented. In addition, the Committee can ask for modifications and make the corrections they consider necessary to adjust the document so that it fits the journal requirements. The same author will not publish more than one article per issue or more than once a year. After this revision, the article will be put under evaluation by one or two external Academic Peers who will express a concept in which the article is accepted without changes or it is rejected. In the case the evaluators’ concept derives in controversies, these will be resolved by the Journal Editor initially or, if it is necessary, a second or third evaluation by Academic Peers will be requested. It is necessary to clarify that neither the authors’ identity will be revealed to the evaluators, nor the evaluators’ identity will be revealed to the authors. This is to say it is an anonymous process since evaluators do not know the authors’ names and vice versa. The reception of an article does not imply any commitment regarding its publication. Acknowledge receipt of the article will be given and original articles will not be returned, therefore, the author(s) must keep a copy of all material sent. The article revision and correction process implies some time that must be taken into consideration by the author(s) when they make the decision to send the article.




The document must be sent to Make a Submission, addressed to the Journal editorial. It must be structured in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, font size 11, and it must not exceed 25 double spaced, letter size pages. Margins must be 3 cm and pages must be consecutively numbered in the bottom right corner. Attached to this remittance, the completed AUTHORS’ COMMITMENT DECLARATION format, the curriculum vitae of each author and the checklist, which can be consulted in the Journal webpage, must be attached.




If the document is accepted for publication the reproduction rights will belong to Universidad de Caldas. As mentioned before, each article must include the authors’ letter of commitment specifying that the text is unedited, and indicating that the reproduction rights are exclusive property of the Hacia la Promoción de la Salud Journal, in addition to other aspects which are explicit in the document such as that the article has not been simultaneously submitted or publication to another Journal. On the other hand, the author is responsible for obtaining the necessary permits to reproduce any material protected by reproduction rights and must clearly specify the picture, figure or text that will be cited and its complete bibliographical reference. The opinions, judgments and points of view expressed by the authors, are of their exclusive responsibility and they reflect neither the criteria nor the Journal policy.


Ethical aspects: Whenever pertinent, an explanation, on the procedures followed in the research will be included in order to guarantee the fulfillment of the principles and ethical norms of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki and later revisions, in addition to Resolution 8430 of 1993 from the Colombian Ministry of Health.


Open access policy: Web content of Hacia la Promoción de la Salud journalof Universidad de Caldas is distributed under an Attribution Creative Commons License which allows others to distribute, mix, adjust and build from the authors’ work, even for commercial purposes, whenever the authorship of the

original creation be recognized.




Title and authors

The title of the work must not exceed 15 words and it may not include abbreviations or acronyms. Each author’s full name must appear centered and in italics under the title. As a footnote, the professional degree, the highest professional title obtained by the author, the institution where the author works, the city, country and institutional or corporative electronic mail address of each author must be included. In the case of authors with affiliations to several institutions they must be arranged in order of importance. This information, and only this information, is indispensable. Avoid including positions, teaching degrees, recognitions, etc. It must be taken into account that the first author’s name will be the one appearing registered in the data bases in the different indexing and abstract services. It is necessary to indicate which author will be responsible for receiving and sending correspondence; otherwise it will be assumed that the first author will be responsible for such function.



All articles must have an abstract in Spanish, English and Portuguese, with an extension no greater than 250 words. It must include objectives, dates and places where the study was carried out, methods, results and conclusions. It should not include abbreviations and reference citations. It must be written in an impersonal manner, this is to say in the third person singular.


Key words

Only the key words accepted by international data bases which can be consulted in the following web pages can be used: Key words (Spanish): https://pesquisa.bvsalud.org/portal/decs-locator/?lang=es, Key words (English): http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/ The author(s) must explain that they consulted the descriptors mentioned above as follows: (Source: DeCs, Bireme); (source: MeSH;NLM). The number of keywords presented must be 5.


Body of the article

The documents which are the result of research are presented as follows: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgements and references.


Introduction: Indicates the justification and the objectives of the research; it includes a summary of the theoretical framework without including results or conclusions.


Materials and methods: Describes the type of study and its design, the population, the sampling technique and the sample selection as well as the inclusion and exclusion criteria. It explains the technique, instruments, and procedures used to obtain and analyze data.


Results: Presents the results in a logical, concise and clear sequence. The results found in tables or illustrations should not be repeated within the text.


Discussion: It is based on the results obtained through the research process, as well as the relation between these and the results obtained by other authors. It points out the coincidences and differences found and emphasizes on the new aspects found. It does not repeat information included in previous sections. It examines the implications of the findings, their limitations and their projections in future research.


Conclusions: Indicate the research most relevant findings from the point of view of the object of study. It is recommended that the research objectives become the point of reference to suggest them and that the different dimensions of the problem be involved in them.


Acknowledgements: the authors can mention people and collaborators, as well as financing institutions, departments and institutions that supported the carrying out of the investigation.


References: References must be developed following the Vancouver Norms: they must be indicated in the text, consecutively numbered in the order in which they appear, using Arabic numbers in parenthesis. The list of references will begin on a separate page at the end of the article. Please consult the Index Medicus http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lji.html periodical publications list for the exact abbreviations of the cited journal. If the journal is not listed, write its complete title name.


Graphs and figures

The graphs and figures must contain a brief title, place, date the source, and when necessary, clarify if it is your own design. The heading of each column of the table must include the unit of measurement. Tables and graphics in image format are not accepted. The illustrations (graphics, diagrams, drawings, maps, photographs, etc.) and the tables must include their respective footnotes and titles, they must be consecutively numbered, and their number must not exceed four illustrations per article. Each illustration must be included in the text where it corresponds and its appropriate citation must also be included.


For illustrations that have not been produced by the authors or that have been taken from a Journal, a book, an internet website or the like, on which there

are copyrights, the necessary permissions to reproduce the material must be obtained, in which case the written authorization by the respective publishing house or the authors must be attached.


Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviations will be used the least amount of times possible, and preferably only internationally recognized ones must be used. When they are cited for the first time in the text, they must be preceded by the complete expression.



Footnotes must be limited to the author’s comments and explanations.


Personal communications must be indicated in the body of the text, in parenthesis (not in footnotes), with date and name of institution of the person presenting the communication.


Avoid the inclusion of unpublished documents, in spite of their presentation in conferences or congresses, articles or abstracts sent for publication that have not been accepted and abstracts. If it’s absolutely necessary to cite unpublished sources, these must be mentioned in the text in parenthesis.

1 Taken from National Bibliographical Base –NBB Publindex Bibliographical Index NacionalPublindex - IBN Publindex, August of 2006, p. 7.

2 Ibídem, p. 7.

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